High School
At St. Charles Borromeo, the Confirmation program is open to our parish member students in grades 9-12 who are active in their faith and have the desire to be confirmed in the Catholic faith. Classes will meet in-person weekly on Sunday mornings at 9:30am as of August 18, 2024. The sacrament is celebrated at our parish on November 16, 2024. Registration is $150. An early registration discount of $30 will be applied until June 28, 2024. Contact Lydia Britton at lbritton@stcharlesorlando.org for further information.
Adult Confirmation
Confirmation for adults 18 years and older who are baptized Catholic and have received First Communion [or are in need of First Communion] and have been practicing the faith. Confirmation classes begin September 8. The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in November 2024.
Confirmación para Adultos
La Confirmación para adultos mayores de 18 años que sean católicos bautizados que también hayan recibido su Primera Comunión o aún necesitan recibirla, se reúnen todos los domingos a las 9:30am. La Confirmación se celebrará el mes de noviembre 2024.