Today I have removed the reproach of Egypt from you.” Joshua 5:9 

The Lenten theme of repentance and call to conversion continues in our readings this weekend, first with Joshua where the Lord invites Isreal back into his care, an invitation to reinstate the covenantal practices, and then with the Gospel where the Prodigal Son returns after realizing the damage that his actions caused to his relationships, primarily between him and the father and with himself. These readings reveal to us that we cannot deny that we’re sinners, and our sins weaken us. Reconciliation, therefore, isn’t just reconciling with the Father, but it’s a remedy to cure us from the pain which we have brought upon ourselves. Like the father in the Gospel, our Father in heaven wants much more for us than to just be with him; He also wants us to be at peace with ourselves and encounter joy in our lives. Like the Israelites and the Prodigal Son, we can’t encounter this through sinful ways; rather, we encounter it through the ways which God provides for us. Reconciliation then encourages us to take a good look at the state of our hearts, recognize those sins, bring them to the Lord with a contrite heart, and receive his forgiveness – a forgiveness that not only reconciles us with him but with ourselves as well.  

We’re halfway through Lent. There is still time to receive and partake of the beautiful Sacrament of Reconciliation. Beginning this week, we will be offering an extra confession time at 2pm on Tuesdays all way through April 15th in addition to Tuesdays at 9:30 am, 6:30pm, and Saturdays at 3:30pm.  Also remember that we have confessions every first Friday at 9:30am. Take advantage of this opportunity.        

In Christ 

Fr Robert