St. Charles Council of Catholic Women
Women serving God through our Church and our Community
”Accept, Lord, the work of our hands” Deut. 33:11
St. Charles Council of Catholic Women (CCW) has been serving our parish for over 50 Years.
As members of St. Charles Council of Catholic Women, our affiliation is also a member of the National Council of Catholic Women, Orlando Diocese Council of Catholic Women (ODCCW) and the Central Deanery of ODCCW.
Who are we as members of St. Charles Borromeo Council of Catholic Women? We are loving and caring members of this community.
We are Spiritual. We begin and end each of our meetings with prayer. Our members serve in numerous ministries in the parish. We attend Faith Formation bible studies, and we host Divine Mercy Sunday and a morning of reflection each year.
We are Service oriented. If there is a need in St. Charles Borromeo Parish or in our community, we are there to assist, from receptions, to filling lady’s bags for homeless women, collecting, sorting and distributing Christmas toys, and filling Easter eggs for the children . We host Bingo and Bunco using the proceeds to fund our service projects. We can always be counted on to serve.
We are Leaders. CCW provides an excellent opportunity to develop our leadership skills. We serve on committees in ODCCW and the Central Deanery; we follow Parliamentary Procedures at our board meetings and monthly meetings. We also attend the ODCCW Annual Leadership Symposium at Lake Yale and the annual ODCCW convention.
We invite you to join our council in prayer and service to the church and community.
We meet the second Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM for social and 7:00 PM for meeting in Bishop Grady Hall. Dues are $15 a year.
For more information join us at a meeting or fill out the registration form and drop it off at the parish office.